Group Supports

Champion Care group supports is a hub for our participants to get together and collaborate in a space that facilitates and promotes enjoyment and building relationships. Participants are cared for by our team that is there to cater for everyone’s individuals needs while encouraging engagement in the group setting.

We believe a crucial part of living a life you enjoy is by building lasting relationships and friendships with people that want the same for themselves. Theres nothing better than coming in every week, meeting new people, and doing fun exciting things with the people you value to most.

Benefits of group supports

  • Reduced stigma

Our programs provide a good learning opportunity and educational materials.

  • Enhanced emotional wellbeing

Groups provides a social environment where participants can feely express their emotions safely.

  • Motivation and accountability

Being part of a group can promote motivation to achieve personal goals with your peers.

  • Camaraderie and fun

Being part of a group can promote motivation to achieve personal goals with your peers.

  • Community integration

Participating in group activities and events can help you feel more integrated in the community and reduce feelings of isolation.

  • Build long lasting relationships

Many participants who do group programs end up making long lasting relationships that extend past the group itself.

  • Improved physical health

Connect with others who share similar experiences, challenges and interests.

  • Peer support

Participants can help each other share valuable advice and emotional support.

  • Increased confidence

Groups can help boost self-esteem and self confidence which can provide a sense of belonging.

  • Skill development

Groups activities often focus on developing various skills such as communication and problem solving which are skills that can be transferable into everyday life.

  • Learning opportunities

Our programs provide a good learning opportunity and educational materials.

Some programs we run

  • Cooking
  • Sports
  • Bowling
  • Minigolf
  • Games
  • Arts
  • Music